Ticket Policies
All tickets sales are final. Online tickets may be exchanged for an in-person ticket for the same lecture, subject to availability. No refunds or exchanges are given. If you are no longer able to join us in person, we encourage you to turn back your Ten Evenings in-person ticket to the Box Office.
Box Office
Our Box Office is open from Monday through Thursday from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Please leave a message if your call is not answered, and we will return your call as soon as possible.
Our onsite Box Office opens one hour prior to each event. Purchased tickets are available to be picked up at our onsite Will Call.
Lost Tickets
If you have lost your ticket, please call Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures at 412.622.8866, or email info@pittsburghlectures.org and we will leave a copy of your ticket for you to pick up at Will Call on the night of the event.
Book Bundles
Tickets to select events include a copy of the featured book. In this instance, we do not offer a separate ticket price excluding the book. If you do not want your included copy of the book, we do not need advance notice. All books will be distributed at the door of the event.
If your ticket includes a book and you cannot attend the event, you will have one week following the lecture to contact us arranging pickup. After this time, we can no longer guarantee your copy of the included book.
Cancelling due to Illness
As your in-person lecture date approaches, if you or a member of your group is not feeling well or has concerns about attending, you may be eligible for a refund.
When available, we invite you to join us virtually if you are not feeling well. If your ticket does not include access to the livestream, please email info@pittsburghlectures.org for a refund before noon on the day of the lecture.
As of July 10, 2023