
Ten Evenings

Previous authors presented by Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures

Photo of a beautiful arrangement of flowers in front of the podium at a Ten Evenings lecture in the Carnegie Music Hall


Hanif Abdurraqib headshot

Hanif Abdurraqib

anthony doerr headshot

Anthony Doerr

Abdulrazak Gurnah headshot

Abdulrazak Gurnah

joy harjo headshoot

Joy Harjo

patrick radden keefe headshot

Patrick Radden Keefe

patricia lockwood headshot

Patricia Lockwood

candice millard headshot

Candice Millard

ruth ozeki headshot

Ruth Ozeki

clint smith headshot

Clint Smith

Hanya Yanagihara headshot

Hanya Yanagihara


Photo of Ayad Akhtar

Ayad Akhtar

Photo of Brit Bennett

Brit Bennett

Photo of Yaa Gyasi

Yaa Gyasi

Photo of Robin Wall Kimmerer

Robin Wall Kimmerer

Photo of Maggie O'Farrell

Maggie O’Farrell

Photo of George Saunders

George Saunders

Photo of Douglas Stuart

Douglas Stuart

Photo of Isabel Wilkerson

Isabel Wilkerson

Photo of Lawrence Wright

Lawrence Wright

Photo of Charles Yu

Charles Yu


Photo of Susan Choi

Susan Choi

Photo of Ta-Nehisi Coates

Ta-Nehisi Coates

Photo of Bernardine Evaristo

Bernardine Evaristo

Photo of Brian Greene

Brian Greene

Photo of Lily King

Lily King

Photo of Laila Lalami

Laila Lalami

Photo of Karen Russell

Karen Russell

Photo of David Treuer

David Treuer

Photo of Ocean Vuong

Ocean Vuong

Photo of Terry Tempest Williams

Terry Tempest Williams


Headshot of author Reza Aslan

Reza Aslan

Headshot of author Esi Edugyan

Esi Edugyan

Headshot of author Doris Kearns Goodwin

Doris Kearns Goodwin

Headshot of author Ibram X Kendi

Ibram X. Kendi

Headshot of author Carmen Maria Machado

Carmen Maria Machado

Headshot of author Madeline Miller

Madeline Miller

Headshot of author Sigrid Nunez

Sigrid Nunez

Headshot of author Michael Ondaatje

Michael Ondaatje

Headshot of author Tommy Orange

Tommy Orange

Headshot of author Richard Powers

Richard Powers


Photo of Katherine Boo

Katherine Boo

Photo of Dave Eggers and Mokhtar Alkhanshali

Dave Eggers and Mokhtar Alkhanshali

Photo of Masha Gessen

Masha Gessen

Photo of Tayari Jones

Tayari Jones

Photo of Min Jin Lee

Min Jin Lee

Photo of Jill Lepore

Jill Lepore

Photo of Valeria Luiselli

Valeria Luiselli

Photo of Ottessa Moshfegh

Ottessa Moshfegh

Photo of Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates

Luis Alberto Urrea


Sherman Alexie

Sherman Alexie

Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende

Paul Beatty

Paul Beatty

Ron Chernow

Ron Chernow

Jennifer Egan

Jennifer Egan

Susan Faludi

Susan Faludi

Mohsin Hamid

Mohsin Hamid

Nancy Isenberg

Nancy Isenberg

viet thanh nguyen

Viet Thanh Nguyen

Richard Russo


Douglas Brinkley

Timothy Egan

Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay

Lauren Groff

Helen Macdonald

Siddhartha Mukherjee

Diane Rehm

Patti Smith

Elizabeth Strout

Colson Whitehead


Daniel James Brown

Anita Diamant

Anthony Doerr

Elizabeth Kolbert

Emily St. John Mandel

David Mitchell

Ruth Reichl

Andrew Solomon

Bryan Stevenson

Hector Tobar

Selection of Speakers 1991-2014

Madeleine Albright
Lidia Bastianich
Anthony Bourdain
Geraldine Brooks
Bill Bryson
Michael Chabon
Lee Child
Annie Dillard
Louise Erdrich
Jeffrey Eugenides
Jonathan Franzen
Betty Friedan
Jane Goodall
Spalding Gray
Kazuo Ishiguro
Madhur Jaffrey
Erica Jong
Stephen King
Barbara Kingsolver
Jhumpa Lahiri
Spike Lee
Jonathan Lethem
John Lithgow
David Macaulay
Norman Mailer
James McBride

Frank McCourt
David McCullough
Candice Millard
Arthur Miller
Audrey Niffenegger
Susan Orlean
Ann Patchett
Jacques Pepin
George Plimpton
Marjane Satrapi
George Saunders
David Sedaris
Lisa See
Susan Sontag
Sonia Sotomayor
Gloria Steinem
Studs Terkel
Jeffrey Toobin
John Updike
Abraham Verghese
Kurt Vonnegut
Wendy Wasserstein
John Edgar Wideman
August Wilson
Tom Wolfe

Upcoming Lectures

Marie Benedict & Courtney Sheinmel

Marie Benedict & Courtney Sheinmel

Apr 22

R. F. Kuang

Apr 28

Percival Everett

Mar 24

Leif Enger

Apr 7