Book cover of Mananaland

Words & Pictures

Pam Muñoz Ryan


Pam Muñoz Ryan is the recipient of the Newbery Honor Medal and the Kirkus Prize for her New York Times bestselling novel, Echo, as well as the NEA’s Human and Civil Rights Award and the Virginia Hamilton Literary Award for multicultural literature for her body of work. In Mañanaland we meet Maximiliano Córdoba. Max loves stories, especially the legend Buelo tells him about a mythical gatekeeper who can guide brave travelers on a journey into tomorrow.

If Max could see tomorrow, he would know if he’d make Santa Maria’s celebrated fútbol team and whether he’d ever meet his mother, who disappeared when he was a baby. He longs to know more about her, but Papá won’t talk. So, when Max uncovers a buried family secret–involving an underground network of guardians who lead people fleeing a neighboring country to safety–he decides to seek answers on his own.

With a treasured compass, a mysterious stone rubbing, and Buelo’s legend as his only guides, he sets out on a perilous quest to discover if he is true of heart and what the future holds.

This timeless tale of struggle, hope, and the search for tomorrow has much to offer today about compassion and our shared humanity.


Copies of Mañanaland and other Pam Muñoz Ryan books with signed bookplates are available from City of Asylum Bookstore.

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Foundation Support

EQT Foundation
The Grable Foundation
J.B. Finley Charitable Trust through the PNC Charitable Trust Grant Review Committee

Book cover of Mananaland


Sunday, February 7, 2021
Virtual Event


Cost shouldn’t be a barrier to a lifetime love of reading. Your donation supports Words & Pictures presentations and Authors to Schools virtual visits.


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This Words & Pictures program is virtual. You can watch anytime online, on any device that supports YouTube for one week. A link to view the program will be emailed to you when the video is available.
Closed captioning will be available.




Upcoming Lectures

Kelly Starling Lyons

JAN 30

Pádraig Ó Tuama & Philip Metres

FEB 20

Cat Bohannon

Mar 3

Antonia Hylton

FEB 10