Ten Evenings is presented by Bank of America
“This is not our world with trees in it. It’s a world of trees, where humans have just arrived.”
Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winner Richard Powers’ sweeping, impassioned (and bestselling) novel of environmental activism, The Overstory unfolds in concentric rings of interlocking fable that range from antebellum New York to the late twentieth-century Timber Wars of the Pacific Northwest and beyond.
The Overstory is a book for all readers who despair of humanity’s self-imposed separation from the rest of creation and who hope for the transformative, regenerating possibility of a homecoming. If the trees of this earth could speak, what would they tell us? “Listen. There’s something you need to hear.”
Richard Powers is the author of twelve novels and the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship and the National Book Award. He has been a Pulitzer Prize and four-time National Book Critics Circle Award finalist. Powers lives in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains.
More about Richard Powers
The Paris Review, Winter 2002-2003
Richard Powers, The Art of Fiction
The Guardian, June 2018
Richard Powers: ‘We’re completely alienated from everything else alive’
The New York Times, April 2018
The Heroes of This Novel Are Centuries Old and 300 Feet Tall
The Atlantic, June 2018
The Novel That Asks, ‘What Went Wrong With Mankind?’
NPR, April 2018
Novelist Richard Powers Finds New Stories Deep In Old Growth Forests
Richard Powers’ Website
“The Overstory, a novel about trees and people who understand them, is the eco-epic of the year and perhaps the decade. Unlike the Lorax, who spoke for the trees, Richard Powers prefers to let them do their own talking.”
Book Signing
Join us in the Music Hall Foyer after the lecture to get your book signed or personalized. Books will be available for sale at the event from White Whale Bookstore.
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