Dry book cover

Words & Pictures

Neal & Jarrod Shusterman


“What we perceive as art, the universe perceives as directions.”

Neal Shusterman, Challenger Deep

Neal Shusterman is the bestselling author of more than thirty award-winning books, including Challenger Deep, which won the National Book Award for its astonishing artistic achievement created in collaboration with his son Brendan. In high school student Caden Bosch, Neal Shusterman has created a young hero who finds a way not just to navigate his own schizophrenic breakdown but to ease the struggles of his fellow patients. Poetic, compassionate, and thrillingly inventive, Challenger Deep affirms the power of narrative to describe the indescribable and enlighten us all.

His new book Dry, written with his son Jarrod Shusterman, explores a world without water when the California drought escalates to catastrophic proportions and one teen is forced to make life and death decisions. The book to be released in October has already been optioned by Paramount Pictures for a movie adaptation penned by the authors after a multi-studio bidding war.

“Elegant and elegiac, brooding but imbued with gallows humor, Shusterman’s dark tale thrusts realistic, likeable teens into a surreal situation and raises deep philosophic questions. A thoughtful and thrilling story of life, death, and meaning.”


Book Signing

A book signing will follow the program in the Children’s Department of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. Books will be available for sale before and after the lecture from Classic Lines.



EQT Foundation, The Grable Foundation, PIC5K and the Succop Family Charitable Foundation

Dry  book cover


Sunday, October 14, 2018 at 2:30 p.m.
Tickets may also be purchased via phone (412.622.8866) or at the door from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. on the day of the event.


Carnegie Library Lecture Hall
4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, 15213


Upcoming Lectures

Michael E. Sawyer

Mar 11

Chris Hayes

Feb 17

Pádraig Ó Tuama & Philip Metres

FEB 20

Cat Bohannon

Mar 3