“The story you think you know is never the real one.”
Following her beloved prize-winning novel Euphoria, Lily King brings us a masterful portrait of an artist as a young woman, Writers & Lovers, praised as “a story where absence is a constant presence, stitched with humor, determination, and hope.”
Writers & Lovers follows Casey Peabody ― a smart and achingly vulnerable protagonist. Blindsided by her mother’s sudden death, and wrecked by a recent love affair, Casey is thirty-one in the summer of 1997 and still clutching something nearly all her old friends have let go of: the determination to live a creative life. Written with King’s trademark humor, heart, and intelligence, Writers & Lovers is a transfixing novel that explores the terrifying and exhilarating leap between the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another.
Lily King is the author of five award-winning novels. Her 2014 novel, Euphoria, won the Kirkus Award, the New England Book Award, and the Maine Fiction Award, and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Award. Euphoria was named one of the 10 Best Books of 2014 by the New York Times Book Review. It was included in Time’s Top 10 Fiction Books of 2014, as well as named among the best books of 2014 by Amazon, NPR, Entertainment Weekly, Publishers Weekly, and Salon.
More about Lily King
Vogue, February 2020
My Boyfriend, his Best Friend, and Me: A Love Story, by Lily King
LA Times, March 2020
Review: In Lily King’s ‘Writers & Lovers,’ art conquers all
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 2020
Author pens a witty and profound novel about writing a novel
Lily King’s Website
“With wit and what reads like deep insider wisdom, King captures the chronic low-level panic of taking a leap into the artsy unknown and finding yourself adrift, without land in sight.”
Maureen Corrigan, NPR
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Monday, November 16, 2020
Virtual Event, watch anytime online for one week
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