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Autumn House Spring Releases
Michael Credico, Katherine Barrett Swett, Eric Tran, and Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
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Michael Credico (Heartland Calamitous) received an MFA in Fiction from the Northeast Ohio Master of Fine Arts program at Cleveland State University. He also holds a BA in English from Cleveland State University. His fiction has appeared widely in print and online, including Black Warrior Review, Columbia Journal, Denver Quarterly, DIAGRAM, Hobart, New Ohio Review, NOÖ Journal, Puerto del Sol, Quarterly West, and others. He has received an Individual Excellence Award from the Ohio Arts Council. He works at Cleveland Public Library. He lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
A high school English teacher, Katherine Barrett Swett (Voice Message: Poems) lives in New York City. She received a PhD in American Literature from Columbia University. Her poems have been published in various journals including, The Lyric, Rattle, Mezzo Cammin, The Raintown Review, and The Orchards Poetry Journal. Her sonnets were finalists for the Nemerov Contest in 2016 and 2017. Her chapbook, Twenty-one was published by Finishing Line Press in 2016.
Eric Tran is from the San Francisco Bay Area, and currently, he lives in Asheville, North Carolina. He received his MFA from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. He is the author of the Gutter Spread Guide to Prayer (Autumn House Press, 2020) and the chapbooks Revisions (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2018) and Affairs with Men in Suits (Backbone Press, 2014). He is a resident physician in psychiatry at the Mountain Area Health Education Center. He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Medicine. His career interests include substance use treatment, community mental health, and LGBTQ mental health.
Patricia Jabbeh Wesley is the author of five collections of poetry, including When the Wanderers Come Home, Where the Road Turns, The River is Rising, Becoming Ebony, and Before the Palm Could Bloom. Her work has appeared in numerous magazines, including Harvard Review, Harvard Divinity Review, Transition Magazine, Prairie Schooner, Crab Orchard Review, among others, and her work has been translated in Italian, Spanish, and Finnish. She teaches creative writing and African literature at Penn State Altoona. Praise Song for My Children: New and Selected Poems is forthcoming from Autumn House in Spring 2020.
Autumn House Press is a nonprofit, literary publisher based in Pittsburgh, PA.
Signed books will be available for sale from White Whale Bookstore.