
New & Noted

Previous authors presented by Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures

Judy Blume on Stage


Mickey Rowe

Mickey Rowe

Ruth Ware headshot

Ruth Ware


Bill Cowher

Bill Cowher


Headshot of Margaret Atwood with a pink background. Atwood is a senior white woman wearing a beautiful scarf and red lipstick, with short curly hair. She smiles into the camera.

Margaret Atwood

Robin DiAngelo

Headshot of Chris Frantz

Chris Frantz

Photo of Kazuo Ishiguro

Kazuo Ishiguro

Jodi Kantor

Heather McGhee

Heather McGhee

Headshot of Suzanne Nossel

Suzanne Nossel

Mo Rocca


Stephen Chbosky headshot

Stephen Chbosky

photo of anne enright

Anne Enright

Jeff Gordinier headshot

Jeff Gordinier

Julie Lythcott-Haims

Beth Macy headshot

Beth Macy

photo of colum mccann

Colum McCann

James Patterson headshot

James Patterson

Sara Pipher Gilliam

Neal Stephenson Photo

Neal Stephenson

Jonathan Van Ness


Ashton Applewhite Photo

Ashton Applewhite

Photo of Fredrik Backman

Fredrik Backman

Sloane Crosley Photo

Sloane Crosley

Michael Pollan

Anita Sarkeesian & Ebony Adams

Adam Savage

Photo of Pete Souza

Pete Souza

Damon Young Photo

Damon Young


Jad Abumrad

Jad Abumrad

Bernd Brunner

Chris Colfer

Nicole Krauss

Lidia Matticchio Bastianich

Cecile Richards

Cecile Richards

Photo of Eliza Griswold

Elizabeth Rosner

Arundhati Roy

Jonathan Safran Foer

Jonathan Safran Foer

Colm Toibin

Colm Toibin

Mark Whitaker

Mark Whitaker


Judy Blume

Chris Bohjalian

Alan Cumming

Matthew Desmond

Nathan Hill

Nathan Hill

Alice Hoffman

Christina Baker Kline

Candice Millard

Mary Louise Parker

Ann Patchett

Annie Proulx

David Sibley

Jeffrey Toobin

Amor Towles

Amor Towles

Scott Turow

Scott Turow


Margaret Atwood

Chris Cleave

Celeste Ng

Louise Penny

John Elder Robison

Hanya Yanagihara

Upcoming Lectures

Marie Benedict & Courtney Sheinmel

Marie Benedict & Courtney Sheinmel

Apr 22

Laurence Leamer

Laurence Leamer

May 6

R. F. Kuang

Apr 28

Leif Enger

Apr 7